Last year I started work and completed the first prototype for managing a roomba via sms and radio. Overall the
prototype was a successful, but over time highly unreliable in the face of failure. Most of this came down to state
management for the API endpoint and the Roomba OI (Open Interface) code running on the Feather. This week I had the
opportunity to sit down and fix some of that.
The latest version of the project can be found here.
In previous version of the application that ran on the Feather listening for messages over radio I had managed the
application state in this class:
class OpenInterface:
def init(self, txpin, rxpin, brcpin, baudrate=115200):
self.board = busio.UART(txpin, rxpin, baudrate=baudrate)
self.txpin = txpin
self.rxpin = rxpin
self.brcpin = brcpin
self.brcpin.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
self.baudrate = baudrate
self.stopped = True
I had done this so that I couldn’t send the Roomba signals that were invalid for a given state based on the Open
Interface documentation. The circuitroomba project were I originally
implemented this actually did a lot more state management. Overall maybe this would be helpful during application
development, but I found it made code on the board unreliable due to the size of the class object in memory and other
work going on causing the board to eventually crash over an extended period of time.
The more I thought about this I also realized I had caused an even larger issue. The Roomba itself manages state
internally. It has all of the logic laid out in the OI document impelmented internally keeping things “safe” and
tracking if a given signal is valid or not. By adding my own state management layer on top of this I opened the door for
all kinds of trouble. First if the internal Roomba logic differed from the OI documentation, or I implemented the OI
logic incorrectly I would be sending the application developer down all kinds of paths trying to figure out why state
transistion and command signals were not exhibiting the expected behavior. Why setup 2 FSMs when one will do, and only
one ends up being the true dispatch? If we did this at the sms API layer we could have 3, all with the potential for
bugs, unexpected behavior, logic mismatches, timing issues etc. It’s a combinatorial explosion of state management
So stepping back, considering the separation of concerns I determined all the board needed to do was listen for a given
signal flag and pass that on to the Roomba. From there the Roomba can determine if the signal should be acted on based
on it’s internal state.
The new implementation discards the class object and instead just uses a super loop and signal functions.
while True:
packet = rfm9x.receive(1) if packet is not None:
packettxt = str(packet, "ascii")
print(packettxt) if packettxt == "0":
led.value = True
led.value = False
elif packettxt == "1":
led.value = True
print("\nUnknown packet: {}\n".format(packettxt))
Additionally from time to time signals can have issues that previously caused hanging in the application. Now the logic
inside the super loop is wrapped in a try/except to prevent corrupt date from completely crashing the application.
Instead failures are ignored and we keep listening for the next signal. While this isn't always a viable solution in the
case of signaling the Roomba the stakes are low and this is something I'm comfortable with.
After fixing up the Feather board code I moved onto the Pi applications. Previously I had setup a Flask application to
act as the SMS webhook for Twilio. This worked pretty well and was consistent over time, but there was the occasional
hang running on the Zero that led me to look into managing the Python and Ngrok application with systemd. Converting
from crontab was fairly easy. I created a few *.service files and placed them in /etc/systemd/system.
Description=sms listener
ExecStart=/home/pi/.virtualenvs/lora-pi/bin/python /home/pi/projects/roombasupervisor/
Once the files were created I ran the following commands:
systemctl enable smslistener.service
systemctl start smslistener.service
And now all of the required applications (ngrok, sms listener, button listener) are managed by systemd. This controls
their startup better than the previous crontab setup and has the added benefit of restarting the service if it fails
By observing and understanding the ways in which the prototyped system failed I was able to identify areas where
behavior and functionality could be simplified resulting in an overall more reliable system. If you have any other tips
to share reach out and good luck hacking.