This is a collection of books and writing that I have enjoyed or found useful.
Let me know if you have
recommendations for my next read.
- A Different Mirror
- A Pattern Language
- The Algorithm Design Manual
- Blockchain Chicken Farm
- Computer Organization and Design
- The Phoenix Project
- Classic Computer Science Problems in Python
- Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications
- Effective Debugging
- How to Invent Everything
- Make Electronics 2nd Edition
- Making Embedded Systems
- Mazes for Programmers
- Monstress
- PoC || GTFO
- The Pragmatic Programmer 2nd Edition
- Test Driven Development for Embedded C
- The Linux Command Line 2nd Edition
- Unix and Unix System Administration Handbook
- Saga
- The Culture
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance